Arts Thread

Narcisa Tirpoca

London College of Communication UAL

Graduates: 2023


My location: London, United Kingdom

narcisa-tirpoca ArtsThread Profile
London College of Communication UAL

Narcisa Tirpoca

narcisa-tirpoca ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Narcisa

Last Name: Tirpoca

University / College: London College of Communication UAL

Course / Program: bA PHOTOGRAPHY

Graduates: 2023


My Location: London, United Kingdom

Website: Click To See Website


Narcisa Tirpoca is a visual artist, animal rights and climate activist based in the UK. She has recently graduated from the University of the Art London with a Bachelor's Degree in Photography."Brainstorming on a greengage" is a collection of ongoing projects and ideas that are constantly transforming and evolving. Narcisa's practice primarily focuses on documentary-style photography, however, she has recently delved into the field of animal photojournalism, combining activism work with her passion for photography.

Eternal Regrets


Photography Film

Eternal Regrets is a documentary photography project that explores memory, loss, and identity themes. The development took place in the days between my grandma's passing and her funeral. The project revolves around my grandparents and parents' natal remote village, called Târâtu, situated on Romania's eastern verge of the Balkans mountains. The loss of my grandma prompted me to document the surroundings of her house which I have been holding dear to me since childhood. The project is a deeply personal exploration of my roots and a poignant meditation on the nature of memory and its relationship to place. The village, the place where I interacted the most with my grandmother, acts as a formative environment for me; it was here that I developed my love for nature, animals, animal rights, and social justice.