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Employers: Creating An Internship Program

Marc Scoleri, Co-Founder of, discusses the benefits of creating a quality internship program and explains the steps required to develop the program.

Any size company, even a solo entrepreneur can benefit from creating and launching a quality internship program. The benefits quickly outweigh the investment needed to create a quality internship program. As an entrepreneur, you’ll want to customize your internship program specifically to your business needs.

There are many details to consider when structuring an internship program. All internship programs should have learning components or learning exercises as part of their structure. Any project or assignment that teaches the intern a new skill and/or allows them to shadow someone performing an activity can be considered a learning exercise. Ultimately, learning exercises should add new skills to the intern’s resume and provide a better understanding of a specific career or industry. For example, if a web design intern works virtually part of the time, then a learning exercise with written instructions or assignment guidelines for the intern would be beneficial. In addition, a few moments shadowing another employee completing a similar assignment before working virtually could assist in the learning experience.

So what actually goes into creating a quality internship program? recommends including at least these components:

1. An internship program mission and objectives

  • Provides direction, goals and outlines other specifics about facilitating the internship program

2. A formal written program including -

  • A recruiting plan to develop talent pipeline relations

  • An intern manual or welcome packet

  • Job descriptions with learning exercises

  • Agreements with internship program expectations

  • Time logs and other academic credit considerations

3. A support structure

  •  Identify one person to be the internship manager/coordinator, solo entrepreneurs often do this on their own

4. A formal internship program process

  • On-boarding (orientation), assessments and exit interviews (off-boarding)

5. Continued development and improvement of the program

  •  Evaluations should be completed for the interns, managers and internship program

At, we assist entrepreneurs and small business to create specialized and quality internship programs that benefit both the intern and business. Ideally, internship websites will want to adjust the length, structure and components of the internship program according to their business needs, mission and objectives. On the other hand, if you decide to create your own program, then you might encounter a few challenges including but not limited to:

  • The internship experience may not provide a consistent learning experience for the interns

  • You may have difficulty identifying interns that want to be part of your internship program

  • Interns may not perform to your expectations or they leave before the internship period is complete

  • You feel like you don’t have the time to train, manage and delegate to your interns

  • Interns do not seem engaged in activities that can build your brand in a positive manner

One solution to creating a quality internship program is to utilize a system that walks you through the process, step-by-step. has created a tool for specifically for this purpose called the Quickstart Internship System. The system allows event the smallest of companies to create and launch an internship program in a matter of hours after completing the step-by-step exercises. In addition, Marc Scoleri, Co-Founder of will provide a 60 minute consultation for any company that uses the Quickstart Internship System. Internship programs created with the Quickstart Internship System can help you business realize the following benefits:

  1. Give back to the community

  2. Interns bring a fresh perspective and enthusiasm to your team

  3. Interns are a great resource for projects and can fill the gap during peak workloads

  4. Employers find interns to be great public relations agents or brand ambassadors; student interns can have a very positive effect on future recruiting and hiring efforts

As you can see there are many benefits to having a quality internship program. Once you create and launch your program it will be important to be flexible with the entire process. Working with interns that are still in school will require flexible schedules but if you decide to open your program to graduates you will widen the net of prospective candidates. Either way, helping the next generation of talent grow and develop can be a reward in itself.

Interested in starting an internship program? Feel free to contact for assistance in creating a quality internship program. connects new and emerging talent with innovative employers; creating opportunities to gain experience through internships and entry-level employment. - Where Talent and Opportunity Meet