Arts Thread

maxine snowden
Jewellery & Metal Design BDes Hons

Duncan of Jordanstone University of Dundee

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Fine Art / Lighting

My location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom

maxine-snowden ArtsThread Profile
Duncan of Jordanstone University of Dundee

maxine snowden

maxine-snowden ArtsThread Profile

First Name: maxine

Last Name: snowden

University / College: Duncan of Jordanstone University of Dundee

Course / Program: Jewellery & Metal Design BDes Hons

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Fine Art / Lighting

My Location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Hi i am Maxine, a German art student based in Scotland studying at Duncan of Jordanstone in Dundee. I have a background in contemporary art practice's and photography which led me to study art at university. My style is bold and geometric, with a strong sense of duality. I enjoyed clean and accurate work however do experiment with more abstract pieces. I am greatly inspired by my surroundings and the landscapes i observe around me. I have always been drawn to modern architecture and structures such as cranes and oil rigs. I find the combination between our natural and man made environments beautiful and is often a key source of inspiration within my work.



Drawing Fine Art

There is always two sides to everything, and one side cannot exist without the other. There is always dark in the light and there is always light in the dark. Balance is very important. Even though the two sides are in contrast they have balance and harmony. Each side is equal to the other. No one is greater. For this project i was greatly inspired by the yin yang and what it represents. I explored this duality through the use of black and white and the use of contracting shapes. I wanted to create bold pieces which would catch the eye and have a powerful message. I created a selection of drawings and paintings with a selection of styles, some very complex and other more simple.