Arts Thread

Mari Claudia Garcia
Fine Art MFA

Rhode Island School of Design

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Sculpture / Installation/Sculpture / Fine Art

My location: Newark, United States

mari-claudia-garcia ArtsThread Profile
Rhode Island School of Design

Mari Claudia Garcia

mari-claudia-garcia ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Mari Claudia

Last Name: Garcia

University / College: Rhode Island School of Design

Course / Program: Fine Art MFA

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Sculpture / Installation/Sculpture / Fine Art

My Location: Newark, United States

Website: Click To See Website


Cuban multi-media artist based in the United States. Her art practice is anchored in a socio-political study of communication and language as impacted by power relations, politics, and micro-politics. 

I perceive fences as both actual and symbolic barriers, as imposed borders in public space, but also as fragile and permeable elements that can be transcended. I use rigid structures on the wall to hand-weave pieces of fences that are then deconstructed, melted, and distorted with molten glass. The resulting pieces are placed on an asphalt platform, resembling a flowing liquid. The craft and effort involved in creating an object like fences, usually produced industrially, has great meaning to me in terms of resistance. My body involved in that labor and the time dedicated to making the work, align with ideas of struggle and protest that I want to convey with my project.