Arts Thread

Mina Kim
Graphic Design MFA

Rhode Island School of Design

Specialisms: Graphic Design / Digital Design / Art Direction

Location: Providence Rhode Island, United States

mina-kim1 ArtsThread Profile
Rhode Island School of Design

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Mina Kim

Mina Kim ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Mina

Last Name: Kim

Specialisms: Graphic Design / Digital Design / Art Direction


My Location: Providence Rhode Island, United States

University / College: Rhode Island School of Design

Course / Program Title: Graphic Design MFA


I'm a graphic designer passionate about creating visual identities and scalable systems. I explored creative ways to analyze and challenge the existing systems around us with my MFA thesis at Rhode Island School of Design. Previously, I worked as a UX designer, building camera experience for Motorola.

In her essay, “On Software, Or the Persistence of Visual Language,” Wendy Chun discusses how an interface is a distilled representation of complex technologies that are appealing and appear easy to use. She says: The fact that computers compute—that they generate text and images rather than merely represent or reproduce what exists elsewhere—[gets] forgotten. Computers do not simply allow one to see what is on the other side but rather use glass to send and receive light pulses necessary to re-create reference. … The computer—most nonvisual and nontransparent device—has paradoxically fostered “visual culture” and “transparency.” To interact with this simple interface means to consume a filtered version of reality, one where we spend several hours daily. Flat Minimal World is a short clip that investigates the distilled reality of the digital world by glitching the interface and inverting the aesthetics of the inside and outside of the screen.

"Visible Lettforms" is series of font designs to challenge Crystal Goblet, a modern ideal in typography that is deeply rooted in graphic design, and seeks expressive letterforms by subverting the existing typefaces.

Inventory of Interfaces is a clothing brand that converts UI components into wearable textiles. The flexibility of the fabric allows distortion of components that we access every day only though touching the flat screens.