Arts Thread

Sanne Hofker
Crossmedia Design

ArtEZ University of the Arts

Specialisms: Photography / Art Direction / Fashion Photography

Location: Enschede, Netherlands

sanne-hofker ArtsThread Profile
ArtEZ University of the Arts

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Sanne Hofker

Sanne Hofker ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Sanne

Last Name: Hofker

Specialisms: Photography / Art Direction / Fashion Photography


My Location: Enschede, Netherlands

University / College: ArtEZ University of the Arts

Course / Program Title: Crossmedia Design


As a photographer, Sanne Hofker is drawn to the power of imagery to capture and convey a unique perspective on the world around us. She seeks to create visually striking images that are both stylised and spontaneous, drawing inspiration from a range of sources. From experimenting with the latest technologies and creative innovations to the timeless techniques and masterful compositions of old photography masters and the always-changing world around us. By blending these influences with her own perspective, she hopes to create work that is both timeless, timely, relevant and one-of-a-kind. At the heart of the work is the desire to tell stories, to transport viewers into her own little world and invite them to experience the beauty and wonder that she sees around her. Whether working with people or objects, Sanne always strives to create images that make people stop and stare for a moment, inviting them to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives.

I have this irritation that our generation always has to be aware of everything and available to everyone. It has gotten harder to just turn off the outside world and mind your own business. The separation of work and personal life is weak and with technology everywhere you are always engaging in something; whether this is your friend or colleague on Whatsapp , advertisements trying to grab your attention left and right or the pressure of always having to be up to date on todays news and social issues. In an extremely fast changing world that brings with it a lot of pressure I want to stop for a moment and just be. In my series “Solitude” I take back these moments. What would people look like if they just existed, no complicated thoughts or pressure from the outside world, just an organism in it’s abstraction.