Arts Thread

Vincent Zanni
FIne art : photography

Wdka Willem De Kooning Academy

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Photography / Installation/Sculpture / Printmaking

My location: Rotterdam, Netherlands

vincent-zanni ArtsThread Profile
Wdka Willem De Kooning Academy

Vincent Zanni

vincent-zanni ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Vincent

Last Name: Zanni

University / College: Wdka Willem De Kooning Academy

Course / Program: FIne art : photography

Graduates: 2023

Specialisms: Photography / Installation/Sculpture / Printmaking

My Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands

Website: Click To See Website


Vincent Zanni, a visual artist born in 1995 in Geneva, Switzerland, explores the potential of photography through a labor-intensive and analog methodology. He combines traditional and contemporary techniques like cyanotypes and wetplate to emphasize the significance of the process and materials used in his work. Zanni provokes contemplation on the ever-changing dynamics of memory, loss, and familial heritage, pushing the boundaries of conventional practices. His experimental approach in the darkroom and exploration of family archives contribute to the ongoing dialogue on the transformative potential of photography in contemporary society. Through the materiality and transience of the photograph, he aspires to explore the relationship between images, memories, and the evolving fabric of our lives.

“La Maison” photographic installation composed of 4 tanks filled with water. Photographs of my family house are display inside and overtime they will be destroy. It serves as an emotional journey, delving into the fear of being forgotten and the importance of preserving memories. By exploring the connection between the family house and personal legacy, this project embraces the profound impact of places, sounds, and images on our recollections. Through this installation, I strive to convey the essence of memory preservation and encourage viewers to reflect upon their own experiences of attachment, loss, and remembrance.