Arts Thread

Nandhit Reddy Vasanth
ma art & Science

Central Saint Martins UAL

Specialisms: Interactive / Motion / Drawing / Architecture

Location: London, United Kingdom

nandhit-reddy-vasanth ArtsThread Profile
Central Saint Martins UAL

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Nandhit Reddy Vasanth

Nandhit Reddy Vasanth ArtsThread Profile

First Name: Nandhit Reddy

Last Name: Vasanth

Specialisms: Interactive / Motion / Drawing / Architecture


My Location: London, United Kingdom

University / College: Central Saint Martins UAL

Course / Program Title: ma art & Science


Nandhit is a London-based multidisciplinary artist and designer with a background in architecture and a recent graduate from Central Saint Martin’s University with an MA in Art & Science.

His practice explores experiential design and existentialism through design for play, interactive kinetic installation, and mark-making.

Motivated to disseminate information related to the individual, society, and ecology, Nandhit uses aesthetic expression and research tools to inform his process. His work aims to address the problem of high-functioning anxiety by incorporating mythological, spiritual, and scientific concepts from across cultures and setting them in figurative atemporal spaces. 

‘The Big Electron’ kinetic sculpture is a time(less) machine forged using mechanics and sacred geometry, which tackles ideas of meaning and existence. Inspired by George Carlin’s closing remarks in his 1992 stand-up special, ‘Jammin’ in New York’, where he envisions the universe as a pulsating ball of energy: it does not give nor take, does not reward nor punish and simply exists for a little while. The machine invites us to activate its movements by turning the wheels of time, taking us on a journey that traverses ancient cultures and enigmatic futures. It urges us to shelve our anxieties, find repose, and simply exist for a little while.